Kudo Shinichi and Mori Ran are invited to the set of a jidaigeki in Kyoto. On their airplane ride to Kyoto, a murder mystery arises. As well, when...
Detective Conan: Shinichi Kudo and the Kyoto Shinsengumi Murder Case
For the past 15 years, Fuyukawa Misaki has lived a quiet, reclusive life while keeping her secret well-hidden. With just two months left before the...
Partner in Crime
Inspector Totsugawa of the First Investigation Division goes to Tsuruoka in Yamagata to attend the wedding of the son of Inspector Mukai, his former...
Kyotaro Nishimura Travel Mystery 68: Disappearing Woman in Yamagata
The second Hunter x Hunter musical. The story takes place after the Hunter Exam when Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio set off to Kukuroo Mountain to...
Hunter x Hunter: The Nightmare of Zoldyck