The story of notorious Australian bank robber Brendan Abbott, who according to the myth, sent postcards to authorities hot on his trail while on the...
The Postcard Bandit
This is an omnibus of six short films by six different directors, whose lead characters are unconventional women. They are "Hijoshi," females who...
An Encyclopedia of Unconventional Women
A victim from World War II's "Death Railway" sets out to find those responsible for his torture. A true story.
The Railway Man
A chronicle of the life of Louis Zamperini, an Olympic runner who was taken prisoner by Japanese forces during World War II.
December 1999 The article in which the man was arrested was only small on the social side of the newspaper. It was a crime against abandonment and...
Journey of a Dying Wife
As World War II rages, the elite Sixth Ranger Battalion is given a mission of heroic proportions: push 30 miles behind enemy lines and liberate over...
The Great Raid
In the near future, Major is the first of her kind: a human saved from a terrible crash, then cyber-enhanced to be a perfect soldier devoted to...
Ghost in the Shell
An army nurse and a Catholic nun find their friendship and beliefs tested when Japanese forces arrive in Papua New Guinea.
Sisters of War
Set around Ide, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan, Sasaoka Yuri and Ogawa Yosuke have been friends since they were children. They are crazed about bicycling....
Checkpoint of the Life
Inspired by true events, the story begins with Japanese rugby officials dwelling on a humiliating anniversary, a 145-17 defeat by the New Zealand All...
The Brighton Miracle