An erotic horror movie dedicated to Joe D Amato, Hyde's Secret Nightmare combines the two genres and mixes them in equal parts. Cross-cut erotic and...
Hyde's Secret Nightmare
Robert Williams is called by the police during a business meeting. His wife Lauren is in shock, after finding a dead man in her home. More dead...
Subject 0: Shattered memories
Six people struggling with their relationship, or lack thereof, cross paths with their respective exes — and discover they might still harbor...
Claudio is a construction worker living in the outskirts of Rome. He's happily married and his wife is pregnant with their third child. However, a...
Our Life
A mentally disturbed ex soldier tries to start a new life and get a new job after a nightmarish experience during the war.
Doll Syndrome
A pair of twisted tales from two filmmakers that are quickly emerging as the next generation of Italian Horror directors. Episode One: Celeste and...
Shock: My Abstraction Of Death
Carter, an art conservator, arrives in Italy to restore a fresco in an old church. He discovers that the strange locals are hiding something and a...
H.P. Lovecraft: Two Left Arms