A story about the development of a bright and strong yakuza. Otaki is an old-fashioned respectful yakuza who tries to protect his small yakuza...
A Legend of Turmoil
The evil Hikita clan rises from the dead to fulfill a curse on the Satomi clan by restoring the face of their warlord by using the skin of Princess...
Legend of the Eight Samurai
The city of Yūbari in the Hokkaido prefecture has become a ghost town following the presence of Shadow Moon and his minions of Gorgom. Makino, a...
Kamen Rider Black: Terror! Demon Mansion at Devil's Pass
Strange events plague the Aoyama family's residence, led by samurai Aoyama Harima. Three months earlier, Harima was asked to show a family heirloom,...
The Cursed Plate: Dish Mansion at Hell's Banchō