As air raids intensify, fourth-grader Hisashi, or Boku-chan, chooses to evacuate from Osaka to Shimane over the objections of his mother. He is...
Boku-chan no senjō
Hyoto is a Japanese karate champion. His own career, the dojo he ran, and his students were doing well, and he was at the peak of his abilities....
Men's Dream Play: Song of the Sorrows of Youth
A high-school student rescues his baseball team. Live-action adaptation of Shinji Mizushima's manga "Dokaben".
Short and Fat
Geisha Yaeko is approached by a samurai who has just returned to Edo while she is painting a picture of camellia flowers in a temple. The samurai,...
The Orphaned Geisha
First film produced by Nikkatsu Children's Films.
The New Class of the Sewage Canal
Japanese horror movie from 1987.
Mayonaka no tsuma-tachi
Nanjo, a new teacher at a girls' high school, unwittingly becomes the object of gossip when he buys underwear for Shimizu and spends his vacation...
The Sea of Eden
Yusaku Matsuda plays an ex-boxer who killed an opponent during a fight. He is brought into a school to deal with a gang of disruptive students led by...
The Classroom of Terror
The three-film saga comes to a conclusion as three leaders of the underworld battle it out to determine who will become Don of Japan.
Japanese Godfather: Conclusion
Chieko (Momoe Yamaguchi) has been raised as the only child of parents who run a dry goods store. When Chieko was a middle-school student, she learned...
Koto: The Ancient City
Based on a manga by Masahide Motohashi.
Rei Tin: Ko Ladies!! Socho saigo no hi