Taking place in 1941, Love in a Fallen City centers on Pai, a young woman who has been ostracized by her family for divorcing her rich husband. A...
Love in a Fallen City
'FLOWER KID' was a 'Robin Hood' type of hero who robs the rich and gives the poor. He was adored by many people especially a kid named 'FATSO', who...
By Hook or By Crook
What happens when a glamorous express, with high government officials, wealthy merchants, concubines and a gang of brigands on board, speeds towards...
Millionaires' Express
Four short tales set in contemporary Hong Kong.
Quattro Hong Kong 2
This film is a Hong Kong version of the British Carry On films, this one specifically set in a hospital. The hospital is full of inept people, so...
Carry on Doctors and Nurses
Cheng Szu is a hostess in a Hong Kong night-club who spends one evening in the company of 4 crooks masquerading as Indonesian billionaires. When CID...
The Hellfire Angel
Hong Kong drama film.
First Time
Wong Yan Tung, a doctor with a fear of fire and recurring nightmares of being cremated alive, is dedicated to fighting his colleagues' ignorance...
The Surgeon
A crazed evil wizard uses his powers to take revenge on beautiful women by making them vomit up live centipedes, which then proceed to eat their...
Centipede Horror
Lau Kar-Wing plays "Nobody", an orphan who grows up stealing food to survive, learning some meagre skills as a con artist. When he meets a true...
His Name is Nobody
A person's life is destined to be shorter than that of a city. Having spent her whole life in Shanghai, Qiyao has her moments of prosperity and her...
Everlasting Regret
Before the Big Ban on prostitution, West Hong Kong is famous for its houses of pleasure. The most infamous of them all is Floral Ode House. Among its...
Profiles of Pleasure