Ukraine, 1990s. Young Vova, cruel and tenacious, struggles to find his place among the ruthless members of the underworld in a city where crime and...
The story of trust and its absence against the background of events unfolding in Eastern Ukraine in early 2014. The main topic is revealed through...
Ten figures walk around in a circle. All they have is a number. The “Great Zero” monitors them. Based on a dystopian parable by Oleg...
Mykola is an eccentric pacifist who wants to be useful to humanity. When the war begins at Donbass, Mykola’s naive world is collapsing as the...
Sniper: The White Raven
Adaptation of Stephen King's story "Stationary Bike".
Stationary Bike
Patrolman Maksym, who had dreamed of following law and order since childhood, was unexpectedly transferred from Kyiv to a small village in the...
Amber Cops
Антрацит. День стійкості
Young Roman and his mother Oksana leave Ukraine and go to Germany, where she works illegally while they both live with Gert, an old widower who tries...
A successful colorist accidentally loses his sight but tries to stay in the profession. His colorblind student, who used to be a programmer in the...