Winter 1988 - Middle school student Jin-Woo lives with his unemployed alcoholic father and his mother who frequently attempts to run away from home...
Goodbye, Boy
Eun-a, who was living a happy life with her family, loses everything to a psychopath serial killer. After the tragic incident, she gathers four...
The Five
Yoon-ju dies under mysterious circumstances while working on a film. At the urging of Director Kim, her younger sister Yoon-hee starts making the...
The Sound of Memories
Violent, stubborn, and nasty Won-man is the worst father and husband. Being sick of his father, Won-man’s son, Tae-bong ran away from home 6...
Total Messed Family
A class of students stays at school for a camp in an elite study group to finesse theirs and the school's grades. Upon the first night, the swimming...
Death Bell 2
Desperate for revenge, a young man enlists the aid of a medium to help him track down his sister's killer.
Fatal Intuition