A tragic accident leads a man to the aid of his closest friend. The war against PTSD, matched with the battles of marriage are obstacles they must...
Memoirs of a Fighter
Cholo Zombies MONSTRO is a zombie love story between the zombies Monstro and Vampz. When Mostro loses his love, Vampz he will do anything to get her...
Cholo Zombies Monstro
When a young man, down on his luck, learns about his father's killer's parole, it sets off a cat and mouse chase through the hostile desert,...
A former gang member and her young cousin become embroiled in a vendetta between L.A. gangs, as rivals seek revenge for old crimes.
Avenge the Crows
True redemption story of one of the most powerful mob bosses in California history. Ernest “Kilroy” Roybal would become one of the most...