Across and Down follows a group of passionate crossword connoisseurs (aka “cruciverbalists”) as they fight to improve representation in...
Across and Down
From the masters who create the mind-bending diversions to the tense competition at the American Crossword Puzzle Tournament, Patrick Creadon's...
The Palindromists is a documentary delving into the world of palindromes – those peculiar words and phrases that read the same backwards and...
The Palindromists
Will Shortz (editor of the New York Times crossword puzzle) tests his own limits of commitment, and his brains ability to be fully activated, by...
A Year of Ping Pong
Australia's first national sudoku team The Numbats - four ex-rugby mates - travel into the unknown of competitive puzzling as they enter the World...
Colours By Numbers: The Sudokumentary
A crossword puzzle editor finds her life completely disrupted when several of the clues in her recent puzzles are linked to unsolved crimes, and she...
Crossword Mysteries: A Puzzle to Die For
When an old friend of New York Sentinel Crosswords editor Tess Harper is found murdered on the very day her puzzle includes his proposal of marriage,...
Crossword Mysteries: Proposing Murder
During her birthday celebration, Tess and Logan find themselves swept up in a world that isn't always what it seems when the headlining magician at...
Crossword Mysteries: Abracadaver
Ten years ago, Tetsuya Miyamoto had a dream to change the world through puzzles. In his classroom in Yokohama, KenKen was born. Enter a world where...
Miyamoto and the Machine: The Story of KenKen