Drama based on a real-life story of a love affair between a married army captain and a young female soldier. Susan Christie and Duncan...
Beyond Reason
Ron Peck talks about his experiences of growing up as a gay man, the attitudes to homosexuality in Britain, and his journey towards making his film...
Strip Jack Naked
A drama based on the true story of Angela Cannings, who was wrongly convicted of killing two of her children, on the basis of "expert witness"...
Set in 2016 prior to the centennial of the Easter Rising at Northern Ireland's only integrated teacher training college. A struggle develops between...
Easter 2016
Relationships are strained in a Belfast family, particularly between a father and his son. First in a multi-year trilogy.
Too Late to Talk to Billy
David Threlfall stars as Tom Rowse, a retired British secret service agent turned thriller novelist who is brought back into the world of espionage...
A Casualty of War
Ascendancy is a 1983 British film. It tells the story of a woman who is a member of the British landowning 'Ascendancy' in Ireland during World War...
Stan McVay has given up smoking, gone on a diet and feels like hell. He's also abandoned the Ulster spud and learned that his teenage daughter is...
Potatohead Blues
An African immigrant bank security guard turns the tables on Dublin's nastiest criminals when they force him to be the "inside man" on a bank robbery.
The Front Line