The adventures of a young man as he moves from the Latin-American revolutions in the sixties and seventies, through Hungary in the eighties, to the...
Based on the true story of Max Schmeling. A national hero in the 1930's when he became World heavyweight champion. He lost favour with the Nazi...
Max Schmeling
A withdrawn war veteran seen as peculiar by the local villagers lives and brings up his child, the only thing that gives his life meaning.
Dramatic tale of 7 year old Jerko who witnesses the destruction of family and village in 1991 during a Serbian attack of a peaceful Croatian village....
My Dear Angel
Growing up on an isolated island off the coast of Croatia during the reign of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, young Serafin Skoko's formative years were...
Serafin, the Lighthouse Keeper's Son
School cleaner Mirna partakes in an historic strike advocating for an improvement in staff salaries and rights, but finds that the system—and...
The Woman with the Rubber Gloves