Story of two gorgeous, young French boys who begin a passionate relationship that boils over and threatens to destroy both their lives. Shy...
Come Undone
Vincent and Serge, two brothers, and the pretty Carole are on their way to the United States. They stop in a village they think is quiet. However, a...
Farewell Homeland
A sensitive young lady painter retreats to the countryside, where she can bask in the presence of beauty, possibly at the expense of an awareness of...
La beauté du monde
Over the course of five seasons, this film chronicles a young woman's rise to power within a tempestuous all-female office. Employing elements of...
Heavy Weather
Julie de Carneilhan
A dutch family of seven persons (grand-father, grand-mother, father, mother, son, sister, and wife of the son go to Paris to assist at a concert of...
Touristes? Oh Yes!
1968 and 1969 in Paris: during and after the student and trade union revolt. François is 20, a poet, dodging military service. He takes to the...
Regular Lovers
Les Dessous de la passion