Vinodhan is an upcoming Tamil drama film directed by Victor Jayaraj and produced by Prabhu Deva. The film features Varun, Vedhika and Salony Luthra...
A family man gets stuck inside a building with a prostitute, whom he had solicited. As time goes by, the probability of him being caught red-handed...
Oru Naal Iravil
Guru and his friends' ambition is to become firemen, but a run in with a gangster threatens to bring their dream crashing down.
Neruppu Da
A criminal swaps his body with that of the cop who is hunting him.
Seven people from different walks of life give their blood sample for ELISA Test - AIDS Screening. To avoid the tension of waiting, they decide to...
An Andaman tribal who escapes from men trying to capture his people, ends up in the care of a spoilt, rich girl, who starts to fall in love with him.
A mafia don sends his son out of the country because he doesn't want even a shadow of his life falling on him. Destiny wills otherwise. The son makes...
When Devi regains consciousness after being in a coma for long, her friends from college come together to get her back with her lover Babu, who is in...
A youngster in his mid-30s goes through a series of struggles after coming to terms with the fact that he was in coma for 16 years.
A final year college student gets the shock of his life after knowing that he's gonna become a father as his girlfriend shows positive pregnancy test...
A contract killer seeking a different profession is assigned to protect a high-profile speaker.
Joshua Imai Pol Kaakha
A guy from a small-town takes on a ruthless criminal lawyer for his friend and sister(s).
A romantic thriller film directed by Narasimha Nandi, starring Varun and Divya Rao in the lead roles.
Degree College
An anthology of four stories that revolve around man-woman relationships.
Kutty Story