Ranmalee, a village girl talented in both music and dancing meets the son (Praveen) of a businessman who are on a visit to Ranmalee's village in...
Asai Man Piyabanna
Malan is a jobless 25 year-old youth who spends his days playing cricket with friends. He suffers from an irrational fear of ghosts and retreats to...
Maya 3D
Chandula and his two friends have planned a holiday at a luxury hotel. On their day of the visit, they see a beautiful girl (Isanka) at the hotel and...
Cindrella - සින්ඩ්රෙල්ලා
A Silver screen idol of yesteryear a faded star today. In the web of a scandal the limelight is all her again. A long forgotten secret resurfaces...
Flowers of the Sky