After being put on a supposedly uninhabited island as a form of behavioral rehabilitation, a high school senior finds that he's not alone on the...
A frustrated, ordinary man receives sympathy--and a job offer--from the Devil himself.
The Shift
A group of travelers descends on The Park to witness one last Firefall. They come from different backgrounds and walks of life, but their paths will...
Firefall: An Epic Family Adventure
20 years after a horrific accident during a small town school play, students at the school resurrect the failed show in a misguided attempt to honor...
The Gallows
A couple's ailing marriage is put to the test when they are held hostage in an isolated vacation rental by an unseen Voice that commands their every...
When a successful family man gets laid off, he leads his friends on a gold panning expedition in the mountains of Sonora, oblivious to what lurks...
Gold Fools