An armful of destitute orphans transported to the New World at the turn of the century. This is the turbulent and moving story of four British...
Heaven On Earth
Story of Joseph Brant, chief of the Mohawks, and the events that led to the birth of Canada as a nation. During the time of the American Revolution,...
Divided Loyalties
A lonely 10-year-old boy living with his parents in a remote coastal part of Alaksa, spontaneously finds a legendary golden seal and her newborn pup....
The Golden Seal
The Bay of Love and Sorrows is a haunting modern tragedy set on the rural shores of New Brunswick's Bay of Miramichi. In late summer 1973, Michael...
The Bay of Love and Sorrows
At the end of World War II Lena Kuchler arrives at a refuge camp in search of her disappeared family members. But at this place she can get no...
Lena: My 100 Children