An adaptation of David Garrick's 1747 afterpiece, this lighthearted comedy follows Miss Biddy Bellair as she pits her suitors against eachother in...
Miss in Her Teens
A woman becomes enraged after being passed over for a promotion at her job.
Keeping Rosy
Fame seeking YouTubers find themselves in a paranormal nightmare when the advert team they are attempting to steal from awakens a druid demon from...
Jane is the subject of a twisted science experiment where she is placed in a parallel world and is forced to find a way to either alter her reality...
Infinitum: Subject Unknown
In inner-city Portsmouth, an unremarkable newsagent’s sits between a courthouse and a business centre. It’s here that sparks fly between...
After surviving an explosion in Iraq, Mr. Thomas leaves the infuriating desk job the army had created for him and enters the underground world of the...
Two Down
A young boy seeks the help of an ancient fairytale creature to save his dying mother.
The Forsaken
1840 and another ship crashes on the rocks of an almost deserted island in Scotland. Three sailors survive the wreck and make it to shore where the...
The Isle
A British Army doctor comes back from a war, thinking that she has PTSD only to discover that there is a more daunting malevolence at work making the...
The Unfamiliar
To try and overcome a lifetime of bitterness and resentment, 83-year-old Edie decides that it is never too late. After packing an old camping bag,...