During World War I, in an unnamed country, a soldier named Tamino is sent by the Queen of the Night to rescue her daughter Pamina from the clutches...
The Magic Flute
An adaptation from the controversial John Adams opera about the true life incident that took place in the mid 80s. The liner "Achille Lauro" is on a...
The Death of Klinghoffer
Last production staged by Patrice Chéreau, this Elektra will remain as the main and most striking lyrical event of these last years in...
Messiaen's breathtakingly intense opera on the life of St Francis of Assisi stars Rod Gilfry as the charismatic visionary, beguiled by the glory of...
Saint François d'Assise
Leonard Bernstein was on his honeymoon in 1951 when he began composing his one-act opera, Trouble in Tahiti, a candid portrait of the troubled...
Trouble in Tahiti
Handel's 1724 opera Tamerlano followed the success of his previous year's Giulio Cesare with another colourful historical costume drama. This time...
In the Summer of 2009, the British director Nigel Lowery and the Iranian choreographer Amir Hosseinpour brought to the stage of the Berlin State...
Orlando Paladino
Renowned opera director David Pountney delivers a superlative production in this 1995 staging of British composer Henry Purcell's "The Fairy Queen,"...
The Fairy Queen
A tragic and secretive romance ensues over many years after two men meet while herding sheep on Brokeback Mountain in this opera based on Annie...
Brokeback Mountain
Peer into the world of contemporary composer John Adams with this documentary that blends performance footage with insightful interviews and...
John Adams: A Portrait and A Concert of Modern American Music
A magic potion becomes both a blessing and a curse for two young people. Tristan is about to bring the Irish princess Iseult to Cornwall where she is...
Le Vin herbé - WNO
In an opera version of the famous literature classic, during World War I, an airplane pilot crashes his plane in the Sahara Desert, where he has a...
The Little Prince