Karen, a young single mother, is bored by routine. Slot machines have become her secret thrill and addiction. With Christmas looming, a desperate...
Small Change
It's 1989, and in a Belfast torn apart by conflict and terrorism, petty criminal Marty McGartland is recruited by the British police to infiltrate...
Fifty Dead Men Walking
The elder one of each generation in the Furlong family is equipped with an extraordinary capacity. James discovers the nature of his at the time of...
During the 1940s, a group of young men go off to war, leaving behind Ethel Ann, who is in love with one of them, Teddy. In modern-day Belfast, a man...
Closing the Ring
Saxophonist Danny witnesses the murder of his band manager and a deaf-mute girl after a gig. Questioned by the police, he remembers only the...
This thought-provoking program offers a behind-the-scenes look at the construction of the ill-fated Titanic, the lavishly grand White Star liner that...
Titanic: Born in Belfast