A young alchemist struggles to resurrect the old west town of Celeb's Folly but in doing so, finds his family now in jeopardy. As tensions build, the...
A Blood Moon Rising
Bryce Turner, a former bounty hunter loses everything even his 8 year old daughter taken by a corrupt and vengful business man. But nothing will stop...
Talk to the Gun
In Oakland California we're introduced to a family leaving their 3 year olds "Red Egg & ginger" party. A young Black father named Reggie is...
Reggie and June
As college students Jake and Jan struggle to stay afloat in the current economic climate, a lucrative business opportunity presents itself through...
Home Free
Upon their arrival in Flat Oak for a semi-centennial celebration, renowned shootist Mance Dixon and his friend Clabe run into a surviving victim of a...
The Rogues of Flat Oak
When the American ambassador to Italy is kidnapped, a rogue U.S. government agent makes demands that send the President and the C.I.A. scrambling to...
The Infinity Project