The twisted and sinful story follows Paddy O’Brian, Adam Killian, Diego Lauzen, Wagner Vittoria, Jake Genesis, Jesse Santana and Tiziano...
Original Sinners
D.O. is a porn legend admired throughout the industry, but it wasn’t until he performed for Lucas Entertainment that he bottomed for the first...
Leave behind your everyday troubles and escape with the Lovers In Paradise where you'll see the most exotic and passionate sex ever witnessed. In the...
Lovers In Paradise
New Citebeur DVD with lot of hot latino and french dudes fucking hard in Barcelona's sex clubs and cheap appartements rented on Internet. A muscular...
Barcelona Boys
Meet Tiziano, he's a true Latin lover with perfect, bulging muscles just like a renaissance masterpiece. And he's more than just a strikingly...
Tiziano and His Mates