Annalise and Chris are bringing up their infant son surrounded by love and care. When Chris brings terrible news home, everything becomes under...
The Colour Between
While on her way to confess a secret to her husband in prison, a woman reflects on the recent years in her life. Set in Belfast during the Troubles,...
The Visit
Estranged sisters Jess and Maddie return to Red Lake, mourning their father’s death. As tensions rise and the night unravels, Jess discovers...
Red Lake
An 18-year-old man, living on a Dublin housing estate with his grandfather, is caught holding drugs for his friend's older brother and sentenced to 3...
Michael Inside
Join Jason on a chemically enhanced trip through the streets of Dublin as he stumbles from one misguided adventure to another. Somewhere between the...
Dublin Oldschool
When a child goes missing in a small town, a troubled fisherman is forced to confront the past that destroyed his family.
The Invisible Boy