Magistrate Toyama no Kin-san is ordered to catch the phantom thief Nezumi Kozo, who is robbing daimyo and wealthy townspeople. Under the name of...
The Phantom Thief Nezumi Kozo and the Tattooed Judge
The Yamaoki family moved from Kyoto to Tosa around the turn of the '50s; local school teacher Hirao becomes involved with Yasuko, sister to Sumio.
Fujishita Kumi is an ordinary office lady. Longing to escape her poor fishing village for a life in the city, she came to Tokyo. One day while alone...
Oh Seagull, Have You Seen the Sparkling Ocean? An Encounter
The story of Shinsuke, a young man who lives through a stormy life as a poverty-stricken coal miner. Ranging from Shinsuke's infanthood to his...
Gate of Youth
Two interwoven stories. The first is a biography of anarchist Sakae Osugi which follows his relationship with three women in the 1920s. The second...
Eros + Massacre
A police procedural surrounding murder at a bookstore and the private lives of the cops trying to solve the case.
Lonely Heart
A crippled kabuki player is taken into a strolling company of itinerant actors. An influential publisher notices his honest, bold drawings, and...
Magazine reporter Saeko Kawamura receives a message on her answering machine from her friend Yuka asking for help... when Saeko goes to Takamatsu in...
Female Reporter Saeko's Homicide Coverage
Touch of Love