Sabash Babu is a Tamil film released in 1993 produced by T. Rajendar and directed by Sasi Mohan. Rajender himself appears in a major role with his...
Sabash Babu
En Thangai Kalyani is a Tamil film released in 1990 directed and produced by T. Rajendar. Rajender himself appeared in the title role with Sudha,...
En Thangai Kalyani
Oru Thayin Sabhatham is a Tamil film released in 1987 directed and produced by T. Rajendar. Rajender himself appeared in the title role with...
Oru Thayin Sabhatham
Samsara Sangeetham is a Tamil film released in 1989 directed and produced by T. Rajendar. Rajender himself appeared in the title role with Renu,...
Samsara Sangeetham
Roja, a part-time singer, works at a finance company where her colleague, Murali, is madly in love with her. However, Roja rejects his proposal as...
Sonnal Thaan Kaadhala
Shanti Enathu Shanti is a Tamil film released in 1991, directed and produced by T. Rajendar. Rajender himself appeared in the title role with Radha,...
Shanti Enathu Shanti
Thai Thangai Paasam (English: Mother, Sister Affection) is a Tamil film released in 1995 directed and produced by T. Rajendar. Rajender himself...
Thai Thangai Paasam
A young man and a woman fall in love with each other. But soon her father gets to know about their affair and goes to extremes to separate the couple.
Kadhal Azhivathillai
Oru Vasantha Geetham is a Tamil film released in 1994 directed and produced by T. Rajendar. Rajender himself appeared in the title role with...
Oru Vasantha Geetham
Uyirullavarai Usha
Vasant, a popular singer, and Shanti, his fan, love each other but hesitate to express their feelings. However, complications arise when Vasant's...
Rayil Payanangalil
A budding journalist passionate about ethical, noble, hard-hitting journalism understands the more flourishing ghetto of sensationalism & news...
A 1983 Indian Tamil film, starring Sivakumar, T. Rajendar and Nalini in lead roles.
Thangaikkor Geetham
A man loves a woman even though she is three years older than him. Although she reciprocates initially, the age difference and his past with a...
Subhadra's mother faces criticism from society after her father abandons them. Her mother wishes Subhadra to live a scrupulous life but is shocked...
Oru Thalai Raagam
Aaryananda (Srinivasan) and Suryananda (Vishnupriyan), who aspire to enter the film industry, put a pair of smugglers behind bars. Surya is...
Arya Surya
Manikkam loves Mythili, who only uses him to fulfil her self-interests. A writer, also named Mythili, learns of Manikkam's sacrifices and his...
Mythili Ennai Kaathali
Veerasamy, a local lawyer and politician, tries to fight for the rights of the opressed. However, his life turns difficult when his sister falls in...