A POV documentary following filmmaker Teresa Alfeld's journey uncovering the story of her childhood best friend's dad, Doug Bennett, leader of the...
Doug and the Slugs and Me
A rockumentary about the Canadian rock band Barenaked Ladies's life, in a nutshell. It follows the band on its Stunt Tour.
Barenaked in America
Stand up and speak to the hand! Canada's favorite sons, Barenaked Ladies, cross the border for their latest concert CD and first-ever live DVD. With...
Barenaked Ladies: Talk to the Hand - Live in Michigan
Nelson Hibbert expects to become the new president of Nagel Industries, but Mr. Nagel gives the promotion to another employee. When Nelson barges...
The Wrong Guy
An offbeat, irreverent musical documentary that tells the story of a group of Jewish songwriters, including Irving Berlin, Mel Tormé, Jay...
Dreaming of a Jewish Christmas
A joyful look at Canadian music from the 60s, that traces the evolution of a young industry with stories from such artists as Buffy Sainte-Marie,...
Shakin All Over: Canadian Pop Music in the 1960s
One Amazing Night is a 1998 live tribute show performed by artists such as Dionne Warwick, Elvis Costello, Luther Vandross, Sheryl Crow and others to...
Burt Bacharach: One Amazing Night
One of Canada's most popular bands brings its own brand of seasonal cheer to a very special installment of the award-winning series "Live at the...
Barenaked for the Holidays
World superstar Anne Murray stars in the warm and entertaining holiday special, Anne Murray's Classic Christmas. Taped at the famous Toronto...
Anne Murray's Classic Christmas