The closing of a student film program serves as a paradigm for interrogating the corporate ideology that guides the largest public university in the...
University, Inc.
Filmmakers Joe Swanberg and Spencer Parsons discuss the Midwestern roots and work ethic of Lewis' output and how The Gore Gore Girls represents the...
Regional Bloodshed
After moving to Chicago for art school, Sam begins turning tricks to help pay the bills. His longtime, long-distance boyfriend Aaron can't stand to...
Blackmail Boys
A kid's identity crisis and lifelong sinus problems are transformed by his relationship with a disabled boy.
Green Summer
Caitlin, a young Chicago performance artist, struggles to create work that is both personal and political. A piece she performs about the BP oil...
Caitlin Plays Herself
High school athlete Cyd Loughlin lives alone with her depressive father in South Carolina, perpetually longing to get away from it all. When her...
Princess Cyd