Rose Hepburn, a young actor working in horror movies, returns to her empty hotel. Forced to use the old freight elevator, it jolts to a halt on the...
D-Day: A British paratroop squad are dropped off-target and wiped-out. Private Johnny Barrows is the only survivor; inexperienced, scared, lost...
The War I Knew
The true story of Louisa Gould, a widow living in Nazi occupied Jersey, who takes in a Russian prisoner of war.
Another Mother's Son
In a world overrun by zombies, military personnel and survivalists live in an underground bunker while they seek a cure.
Day of the Dead: Bloodline
Inspired by one of the longest and bloodiest real-life events in police history, Officer Mike Chandler and a young civilian passenger find themselves...
Two souls cross paths in an isolated wilderness. Rider, who is suffering from amnesia following a motorcycle crash. And Rose, on the run. They both...