The story of a young Belgian actor of Moroccan origin who agrees to play the role of Saint-François-d'Assise to put an end to the roles of...
Gerda Taro, Robert Capa and Taino are three charismatic characters full of passion. Their lives and emotions will cross for an instant during the...
Tonight will be a special night. For the first time in 21 years, the Moon will be visible in the sky. Tonight, time will pass at different speeds for...
Memories of the Moon
Now irrelevant in this 2.0 company, Jean-Claude is fired! Hervé is charged by the management to make Jean-Claude clear off quickly and without...
Already 20 years of Caméra Café
Karim, a homeless boy must find his father so they can finally move into social housing. He finds him in an estranged squat sacrificing his dignity...
An ex-communist terrorist tries to fit in in today's society after getting out of jail. He meets with a group of young anti-Wall Street anarchists...
Les Survivants