When his wife is kidnapped by terrorists for ransom, veteran war hero Brad Paxton races against the clock to rescue her in a daring and deadly...
Redemption Day
The red moon threatens our existence on earth. Our only hope is the the most talented astronaut of his generation, the enigmatic Paul W.R. But a few...
The Last Journey of the Enigmatic Paul W.R
In the lost world, after a four months drought, an ordinary man randomly gets picked to be on a special radio show: Jamal Afina reveals an...
Catharsys or The Afina Tales of the Lost World
This film revolves around the path of the Moroccan writer Abdellatif Allabi in the seventies of the last century, but the mouthpiece of Allabi's...
La moitié du ciel
The3M: Malika, Moïse and Mathieu are friends, all born in the same neighbourhood of Casablanca, of different religions. A strong friendship...
Les 3M Histoire Inachevée
Une année chez les français
YARA ZED is a Commercial Agent and goes around the world to sell a service for the less special …
In 1980s Beirut, Mason Skiles is a former U.S. diplomat who is called back into service to save a colleague from the group that is possibly...
The red moon threatens our existence on earth. Our only hope is the enigmatic Paul WR, the most talented astronaut of its generation. But few hours...
The Last Journey
Casablanca, 1961: Edoardo embarks on a covert and illegal mission to rescue a wrecked ship on the shores of the Atlantic. It is the promise of an...