A law student receives a phone call from a mysterious woman asking that they meet. When he arrives at the appointed place, he finds the woman dead...
Dark Whistle
As second in command of a group of organized criminals, Jak-du expects to receive control when the leader announces his retirement. However, the...
Oh Jak-du the Emporer
When the head of a powerful criminal organization is released from prison, he must take steps to squash the small gangs that sprang up during his...
The Boss
A general goes on a search for a book that reveals the names of revolutionaries in the area, leading to a showdown at a Shaolin temple where he faces...
Sadae Shaolin Temple
Jo Yang-eun was a leading mob boss in Korea in the 1970's leading the Yang-eun family. He was eventually arrested and charged under an internal...
Emperor Ojakdu
An unlikely pair of cops take part in a massive crackdown against the local mob.
Two Cops 2
Super Hong Gil-Dong 3
Min, a tough guy whose widowed mother is a drunk. The story traces his journey from high school to the underworld as one of his friends introduces...
Under the Han River lives Crocodile, a rugged member of the lumpenproletariat who exists from schemes and stealing. His position as a scavenger of...
The story involves four friends who become gangsters. As the film progresses they gain power and eventually find their way to Seoul. Being well-known...
4 Toes
The President of South Korea races against time to prove the seal on documents from long dead King Gojong is fake by charging outspoken historian...
A man aids his friend by assisting him in disposing of the body of his ex-girlfriend.
South Korean live action adaption of the ultraviolent post-apocalyptic manga, Fist of the North Star.
Double North Fist