A blind beggar is robbed of his chest of money. The theft leads to a dramatic situation in the street where he begs every day.
Blind Man's Bluff
The battle of the sexes? The forces of despair and seduction? On S. Miguel in the Azores, Rogério, a young man with old money, and his...
Inês is a teenager from a wealthy family. However, after classes, he participates in risky sexual games, compulsively uses the internet and...
O Fim da Inocência
Ema is a very attractive but innocent girl, so pretty that cars crash in her presence. In her youth she marries Dr. Carlos Paiva, her father's...
Abraham's Valley
Zé Alberto and Laura are lovers, and have a clandestine and permanently threatened relationship. Zé Alberto is married to Fernanda,...
451 Forte
This odd film is a major representative of an even odder film genre: direct-to-celluloid opera. It was commissioned by the Portuguese master of...
The Cannibals