Consists of a series of crazy-stressed sketches, in a loosely coherent framework. The story is a bizarre variation on the tale of the three suitors...
Oj oj oj eller 'Sången om den eldröda hummern'
A working class teenager comes of age in 1910s rural Sweden, moving through a series of jobs and romances that gradually shape his future.
Here Is Your Life
Sten Stensson Stéen has been challenged by a professor of law in a TV-game-show. Stensson, always fighting against immorality, comes to...
Sten Stensson kommer tillbaka
A lovestory with one of the biggest pop stars from that time.
Ola och Julia
Mig og dig
During his military service, a man meets a woman who works in the kitchen at the camp and they start a relationship. When the man is out on combat...
The Serpent
Lawyer Hans is having an affair with his secretary Anni and is trying to get his wife to meet another husband. When his wife falls in love with...
Are You Crazy?