Inspired by the real-life story of a bus hijacking in Northern Greece, HOSTAGE explores the sensitive issue of Greek-Albanian relations through a...
Minority-group Greeks from an outer suburb of Athens struggle with their life on society's fringe and exploitation of one another.
From the Edge of the City
Middle August in Athens. Three families, living in a three storey building, leave for their summer vacations. Everyone is wishing for a miracle to...
One Day in August
An intimate look into the life of composer Mikis Theodorakis from 1987 until 2017: comprising three decades, four continents, 100 locations and 600...
Dance Fight Love Die: With Mikis On the Road
Two siblings live in the industrial town of Elefsina. A bridge connects their neighborhood, inhabited mostly by Black-Sea Greeks, to an area...
Motorway 65
Alex a captain with sad past saves thirty teens Afghan refugees. With tension constantly increasing, Alex tries to tackle the company's and crew...
Man at Sea