A former high-school football star loses his shot at a college scholarship due to a devastating gridiron injury, but gets a second chance at living...
When tragedy rocks Blackfoot High, rebellious outsider Mäddy Killian shocks the student body by joining the cheerleading squad. After a...
All Cheerleaders Die
Lucinda Price is sent to a reform academy under the assumption that she has killed a boy. There, she meets two mysterious boys, Cam and Daniel, to...
Malcom's done with his life. Only the noise of Crystal Meth gives him a reason to keep going - everything else it has long regardless. Equipped with...
Lonely schoolgirl Desma is determined to win the school science competition and beat her arch-rival, Celestine. When Desma discovers an incredible...
A distant boy and a disturbed girl discover a blue tongue nest, but not all is as it appears.
Blue Tongue