The film explores the world of firefighters in 1920s New York City and tells the story of a 16-year-old girl who will have to become a hero in order...
In a desperate bid to take the guesswork out of finding a girlfriend, a faceless, voiceless, but obviously intrepid interviewer decides to make a job...
Interviews With My Next Girlfriend
A superintendent, trying to save his high school's troubled finances, falls in love with a teacher whose music program he must cut.
A Holiday Romance
Rachel is a criminology student hoping to land a position as a teacher's assistant for professor Robert Starkman. She's sure this position will pave...
American Psycho II: All American Girl
In 1879 Paris, a young orphan dreams of becoming a ballerina and flees her rural Brittany for Paris, where she passes for someone else and accedes to...