Based on an original written by Cheon Myeong-gwan, a 48 year-old movie director moves into the house where his mother and 50 year-old brother lives...
Boomerang Family
A woman, accidentally caught in a dark deal, turns the tables on her captors and transforms into a merciless warrior evolved beyond human logic.
The film mainly follows the famous 1597 Battle of Myeongryang during the Japanese invasion of Korea 1592-1598, where the iconic Joseon admiral Yi...
The Admiral: Roaring Currents
20 years after discharge from the army and now an excavator driver, a former paratrooper who had been mobilized to suppress the May 18th Democratic...
Kingdom of Goguryeo, ancient Korea, 645. The ruthless Emperor Taizong of Tang invades the country and leads his armies towards the capital, achieving...
The Great Battle
Hyun-soo is a skillful individual stock investor, so-called ‘ant’. One day, he cashes in up seventy thousand dollars through stock...
The Scam
Daughter Ji-suk is now already a mother herself, but she'll always be a child in the eyes of her proud mom. The two decide to go on their first ever...
A Long Visit
Two violent inmates exercising their power over the prison VS the only chef in the prison kitchen who can possess weapons are admired for their...
King of Prison 2: The Prison War
A wealthy oil tycoon decides to steal oil from a pipeline running between Honam and Seoul-Busan motorway. To carry out this heist, he enlists the...