"KL Gangster" tells the tale of two brothers who get involved in the world of gangsterism. The older brother Malek (Aaron Aziz) was imprisoned for...
KL Gangster
Aku Bukan Tomboy" is a story of a tomboy (Scha Alya) who was raised by her single-parent father after the loss of her mother when she was just a...
Aku Bukan Tomboy
From the team that brought you "Jalang" comes this new De Baron comedy. Datin Gharirieyah, better known as Datin Ghairah (Maria Farida), is the widow...
Datin Ghairah
Two brothers, Malek and Jai, are indirectly thrust headlong into the world of gangsters and crime when their father died 10 years ago. Since their...
KL Gangster 2
Ku Izham is a lonely, quiet guy, trying to adjust to life working in Kuala Lumpur. Whilst he has found a job and has quite a stable life, he does not...
KL Menjerit 1
The film depicts the lives of the students who will take the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM). A student named Gina was enamored with his own teacher....
Bicara Hati
Wira (Zul Huzaimi) frequents the same cafe at breakfast every day. Jamilah (Siti Elizad), who is a waitress at the cafe, is slowly falling in love...
Cinta Yang Satu
The story tells a lawyer with a personality disorder, freeing a criminal, then becoming a ruthless woman. Trapped in one body, Eva, Mike and Amy are...