A young Latino struggles with immigration, inner city problems and supporting his family, when everything is suddenly torn apart by an innocent...
Beginning at the end of a first date, a man and woman continue to get to know each other while sharing a cab home. But when on a date with someone...
The Lamp
Stuck on the peripheries of the film industry, a struggling grad student named Erik comes to the realization that his thesis film should be about a...
My Thesis Film: A Thesis Film by Erik Anderson
A young woman attempts to reclaim the unicorn paddleboat she associates with her happier, more privileged former life.
Go Fish
A socially awkward driver and a weary passenger try to make it to their destination while being haunted by a supernatural threat.
The Toll
After receiving a distressing medical diagnosis, a listless young man flees the crushing tedium of Toronto city life, trading it all for the...
The Interior