Based on the life of a legendary capoeira fighter from Bahia, "Besouro" spins a fantastic tale of a young Brazilian man of African descent in search...
The Assailant
The 28-year history of the Olodum Theater Band, Latin America's longest-running black theater company. Created in Salvador in 1990, in partnership...
Bando, um Filme de
Experience Roque's routine years after the first movie. Joana's tenement is still full of parties, gossip and confusion. The neighborhood prepares...
Ó Paí, Ó 2
In Salvador (Brazil), every year there is a great and traditional party for Senhor do Bonfim, where the faithful, tourists and revelers, wander to...
5 Fitas
One of the most important events in Brazilian history, the Búzios Revolt of 1798 was led by dozens of black men who rose up to overthrow the...
1798 - Revolta dos Búzios
Estamos Sozinhos
Bené spent many years looking for his spiritual evolution in a small country town. He has made great progress and is fully integrated into the...
Abaixo a Gravidade
A retired army sergeant, a police officer and his wife and a drug dealer apparently have nothing in common, but they will unite for a greater good....
Emerson and his friend Thacle kidnap Henrique, a famous brazilian filmmaker, in order to get his help in the making of a movie on their home island.
The story of Brazil’s first emperor, returning to Europe on board the English ship Warspite. The trip makes Pedro conquer his fears and face...
Pedro, Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
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