Iida, an elderly Sámi woman, who has abandoned her roots under the pressure of forced Finnishization, is conflicted between selling her old...
Helena is spending an evening with her family when someone knocks on the door. Unknown man confronts Helena with accusations towards her perfect...
The film reveals, what kind of a film AI would write based on previous Finnish popular films.
Written by AI
A couple’s dream of a perfect child spirals into a nightmare as soon as the baby is born. The mother Saga thinks there’s something...
The festive spirit of an office party is ruined, when a woman accidentally reveals that their colleague had harassed her at the previous office party.
Festive Spirit
A young Finnish woman escapes an enigmatic love affair in Moscow by boarding a train to the arctic port of Murmansk. Forced to share the long ride...
Compartment No. 6
Force of Habit follows the lives of various women throughout one day. Hilla is having a romantic vacation, Emmi is throwing a house party, and Milja...
Force of Habit
Elias, 10, is afraid of losing his mother who at times disappears from his life due to her fluctuating mental illness. Missing her desperately, Elias...
World War II is around the corner, but the only thing Sally Bauer can think of is the ocean. Her dream is to swim across the English Channel.
The Swedish Torpedo