Set in the 90s, a Korean single mother raises her young son in the suburbs of Canada determined to provide a better life for him than the one she...
Riceboy Sleeps
In this series of shorts, the phrase "Gay Agenda" is reclaimed from the religious right and transformed into a celebration of gay culture. Sit back...
The Gay Agenda 29
A single and strikingly beautiful interior designer, enjoying success in San Francisco, returns to her Louisiana hometown because of a family...
Sandra Brown's White Hot
Country music star Adam has to choose between damaging his career by coming out in the closed-minded world of country music or losing his long-time...
Dominant Chord
Psychologist and former prosecutor Hailey Dean aids her friend Detective Garland Fincher in investigating the murder of his former Marine friend....
Hailey Dean Mysteries: Death on Duty
Professional bridesmaid Cate James is excited to help her best friend with her wedding day and meets Maxine's handsome brother Matt, who's in town...
A Bridesmaid in Love