A film based on two short stories by Shiina Makoto. Tadon is the story of a cab-driver who spends his days listening to his passengers'...
Tadon and Chikuwa
Hamanaka Koichi returns to his wife Hisako and family in a sadder, run-down section of eastern Tokyo after having run away from home years before. He...
Tokyo Lullaby
Last Room
14-year-old Takuya lives in a rural town near mountains and rivers. His 29-year-old uncle Koji works as a graphic designer in urban Tokyo. Koji's...
The Crossing
A writer from Kamakura named Hiraoka Eisei is researching supernatural stories but finds himself revisiting memories from a previous visit to his...
Randen: The Comings and Goings on a Kyoto Tram
The story, set in the heady post-war 50s into the early 60s , revolves around a love triangle between Tomoko, long playing the mistress to married...
The End of Summer
The story of a ménage à trois between the editor of a magazine, his girlfriend, and his young sister.
Haruna is a lively tomboy in the 5th year at elementary school. One day, while playing with Hiroyuki, a boy whom she has known for a long time, they...
Child by Children
Yusuke Kafuku, a stage actor and director, still unable, after two years, to cope with the loss of his beloved wife, accepts to direct Uncle Vanya at...
Drive My Car