Yearning for meaning in his life, a coddled young man abandons his girlfriend and family to set out on a spiritual quest. Shot with sophisticated...
The Bright Day
A man who has forgotten his past (Raahi) meets a woman (Swara) who'd rather forget hers. He combines a great power for self-destruction and penitence...
The River of Love
Avinash, a dejected soul stuck in a dead-end job shares a strange relationship with his father. He holds him responsible for crushing his dreams....
A biopic on the life of the Hindustani Classical maverick Vasantrao Deshpande, who himself narrates the soft melodies and sharp notes in his...
Me Vasantrao
An adaptation of social worker and freedom fighter Sane Guruji's autobiographical novel Shyamchi Aai.
Shyamchi Aai
Follows the lively duo - the woman of the house and the house help, and how their love-hate relationship unfolds.
Naach Ga Ghuma
A school master and his students at a small school in a village in Maharashtra fight against all odds to keep the school open against the efforts of...