A three-billion-lire hit. A bloody hold-up. A sole survivor. Hunted down by fate and ruthless gangsters, Leo Piazza finds himself with a "hot"...
Italy, 1947. Attilio is a Fascist and disgraced former movie star. Out of desperation, he joins a band of robbers for a heist. After the robbery,...
The House in the Wind of the Dead
Nicolò, 24, returns home after 7 years. Through a path made of affections and memories his love story with Claudio and the reason for his...
Bittersweet Rainbow
A mosaic of several intertwined stories questioning the meaning of life, love and hope, set during the last six days in the life of Eluana Englaro, a...
Dormant Beauty
Rosa and Igor live under the same roof, without trespassing on each other's territory even thou they have been living together for years. Things that...