Yuko, a junior college student, spends her days in a recruiting suit doing interviews, unable to get a job offer, and unable to go on a date with her...
The Honban: OL saiyô shiken
Sayaka is a professional lesbian who goes by the nickname "Three Years of Climax." On the other hand, Chiyo is a bisexual player. Based on these...
Sayaka VS Chiyo-kun: Abnormal Lesbian
A teenage couple drive around improvising radio shows, following night stalkers and rapists or peeping on various sexual escapades, describing what...
Brain Sex
A couple is kidnapped while driving and sent to the training house where Queen Mary Aoi lives. They are trained in unimaginable SM techniques with...
SM Madonna: Aigyaku
A couple celebrate their anniversary through BDSM and unexpected results...
Groper Train: I Like the Inside