The calls to Lindsay Mallyn's late-night, paranormal radio show are going from strange to stranger as the people of Circle City confront the...
Circle City Supernatural
A young man in a motel bathroom recounts a strange tale surrounding his discovery of a strange artifact to a call-in radio show about the paranormal.
The Lantern
A police detective, haunted by an unsolved case, stumbles onto an occult ritual while staking out the local graveyard.
The Roman
Ryan Tolliver, now a fugitive from the law, finds himself under attack by a common criminal and his rather unorthodox employer.
The Should-Not-Be
A soldier abandons his post for reasons all his own, escaping into a nightmare hellscape inhabited by the undead.
The Ex-Pat
When an online video detailing her possession and dealings with the occult starts to go viral, Carolyn Pelfrey seeks the aid of private investigator...
The Devil Doll