A vengeance-filled mother, enraged by the miscarriage of justice over her daughter's brutal murder, traps the ruthless gangster responsible and his...
Rage of a Lioness
The struggle continues for a disgraced female detective and an ex-gangster surviving an all-out attack by a hit-squad hired by the underworld
Pride of a Lioness
Thami has recently lost his job at a top firm following accusations of fraudulent activities. This is the last straw for his wife Noluthando who,...
Losing Lerato
Little One is a story about ordinary people living day to day in a poverty-stricken environment where despite the crime and tough living conditions...
Little One
Lerato's father has been in prison for 15 years. When he is finally released due to illness, she'll do anything to make sure they aren't parted again.
Losing Lerato 2