A caring mother loses her sanity, setting off a chain of events resulting in tragedy and murder. The story of Casey Pollack unfolds from two very...
Dead Night
The chilling tale of a young woman pursued by the nightmares of her past. Some things will not stay dead. It waits in the dark.
Krystal Parker's life fell apart when she discovered she couldn't have children. Everything she knew was gone, - but Letting Go Is Just The Beginning.
Parker's Anchor
A medical scare sends a forgotten musical icon back to Los Angeles blowing up the lives of his sister struggling to find her own spotlight, along...
Before the Lights Come Up
Freemont Gordon isn't passionate about his successful job as an architect in Los Angeles. After turning 30, he finds his job isn't enough, so he...
Gordon Family Tree
Hiding in the Open examines one night in the life of two capricious twenty-somethings searching for direction. Good natured but rebellious Chase,...
Hiding in the Open
On an otherwise quiet night there is a startling knock at the door. Andrew Tucker answers the door to find an old friend whom he hasn't seen in...
The Man in the Trunk