Humorist Roy Blount Jr. takes viewers on a journey down the Mississippi River, showcasing everything from areas with spectacularly beautiful scenery...
The Main Stream
Top Hat and Tales chronicles the early years of The New Yorker, from its fledging beginnings under its legendary creator and editor Harold Ross, to...
Top Hat and Tales: Harold Ross and the Making of the New Yorker
Years after his squad was ambushed during the Gulf War, Major Ben Marco finds himself having terrible nightmares. He begins to doubt that his fellow...
The Manchurian Candidate
Home to "What'll ya have?" and world-famous chili dogs, The Varsity sets the standard for fast-food dining in the South. Take a behind-the-scenes...
What'll Ya Have: A History of the Varsity
Celebrate the work of actor and comedian Bill Murray at the Kennedy Center, as the recipient of the 19th annual Mark Twain Prize for American Humor.
Bill Murray: The Kennedy Center Mark Twain Prize
Two competing lawyers join forces to sue a prestigious law firm for AIDS discrimination. As their unlikely friendship develops their courage...
It all happened on May 25, 1992 at a place called Cowboy Boogie in Anaheim, California. Stephen King, writer of "Misery" and "Cujo", syndicated...
The Rock Bottom Remainders
The first major documentary film on James Thurber's life and work includes a look at the humorist's accomplishments as a journalist, playwright,...
James Thurber: The Life and Hard Times
Tim Blake Nelson is a man who's safe and comfortable and bored to death with his life. In his state of despair, he looks to classic stories for...
The True Don Quixote